A “Resign letter” is what you want once you have decided to quit from your job. In this article you will find step by step guide how to write resign letter along with sample of Resign Letter for your ready use. We have also compiled here many resign letter format along with host of articles on how to write your resign letter, mistakes to avoid and the legal aspects to take care of.
Why to write Resign Letter
When someone wants to leave the job, they consider writing a resign letter. Some people may believe that they do not need to write a resign letter, or writing a resign letter is futile exercise; but it’s important to carefully consider the benefits and repercussions of quitting with (or without) a resign letter. First of all, one must understand that one should leave the job in a professional and positive way and should not burn bridges with employer, whatever are the circumstances.
What should I write in Resign Letter
When writing your resign letter, you need to stay focused, and keep it brief. Ideally one page would be the maximum length and you should include essential information.
You should start with a formal greeting, like as “Dear [boss name],” instead of using an informal salutation – like “Hey,” or “Hi”. Never write something like “To whom it may concern.” The first sentence itself should clearly state your intention to leave the job from a particular date.
Use direct but professional language and mention your position and your resignation date and name of the company. Remember, your resignation is a written document and is going to be a record in your employment history for others to refer in future. Besides being polite and professional, you should take time to make sure that your resign letter is free of spelling and grammatical mistakes.
In the body of your resign letter, we suggest to include an offer to assist in transition of your responsibilities. You must extend basic courtesy of thanking the company and hiring manager for the opportunity to work there, unless you are resigning because of an abusive supervisor or a negative work environment. In that case, your gratitude would sound superficial. But whatever is the case, your tone should always be professional.
Your resign letter must contain an exact last working date and notice period. Finally wrap up the resign letter with your contact information and a formal closing, like “Yours Sincerely”
How should I write my Resign Letter

Resign Letter : Common mistakes
How an employee resign leaves a lasting impact on supervisor, employer and colleagues. In order to protect the good work that you had done, your reputation, legacy and to avoid becoming fodder for gossip, it is important that you resign graciously.
You may want to bang into the cabin of your boss and shout on top of your voice “I Quit!” and bang the door on his/her face. But let us leave all these theatrics for actors. Quitting from your job is not about making a loud statement and getting into a nasty free for all shouting competition, it should be about making a quiet graceful exit with respect.
First and most important thing to do is to discuss your resignation with your manager. Telling anyone else before discussing with your manager is not professional, and even disrespectful. Do not discuss your resignation first with anyone even if the individual is your best friend at work. Discuss only after you’ve discussed and sent your resign letter to your manager. Once you have resigned you should work with your manager to put together a transition plan and not spend time in office gossip.
You must offer a proper notice period as per the terms and conditions of your employment contract (or the local laws). Resigning without a notice period definitely leaves a bad taste within your team and organization and that’s not how one should quit.
Don’t crticize your company/your manager/your coworkers – don’t get into unproductive office gossip. Its not just bad optics but by doing so you are loosing the goodwill that you would have earned during your tenure with orgnaization and team.
Don’t get too much emotional. Leaving a job is an important milestone in professional life, but control your emotions and be professional.
When quitting you must keep the doors open of your past employer for you to return (if ever the need arises) and not burn the bridges forever.
Sample Resign Letter Format

Resign Letter PDF