“Resignation letter 2 week notice” is what you need when you want notify your employer about your decision to quit and give them a notice period of 2 weeks for helping manage the transition. Here you will find few sample formats of Resignation letter 2 week notice along with step by step guide on how to write your Resignation letter with 2 week notice.
In this article, we have explained about resignation letter 2 week notice. What is a 2 week notice, why you should give it, why employers may prefer it and how to write a resignation letter 2 week notice. We conclude with a sample format / an example to guide you.
Resignation Letter 2 Week Notice : Why give 2 weeks notice
Most of the disgruntled employees want to walk into the boss’s office, and say: “I quit!” and then slam the door on him! Right? But at the same time all of us know, that that’s not the right way to resign.
There are no universal laws (or business rules) on duration of notice period, as to when one has to give a notice period and what should be the duration. The duration is mostly governed by your employment contract and local employment / labor laws. In cases where you are not required to serve any notice period (for instance you are serving probation period), you might decide to give a notice period of 2 weeks, although a senior level position or a highly technical job might require a longer time to allow the company to find replacement and make alternative arrangements.
One must try to part ways amicably and on good terms, because in most of the cases, an employee needs to use employer (or boss) as a reference in the future. Leaving with a proper notice helps you preserve your professional relationship with your boss and colleagues.
A written resignation with a clearly stated notice period of 2 weeks ensures that you, your boss and company are on the same page. If an employee quits a job without giving proper notice, he leaves his colleagues and supervisor in a soup, trying to find a solution to take over your responsibilities and fill your role. By giving a proper notice, you are not only being respectful and courteous; but also you are fulfilling terms of your employment contract.
Resignation Letter 2 Week Notice : Things you must include
- A clear statement of intent that you are resigning from your position.
- Your current designation (optional)
- Date you are submitting the resignation
- Notice period (and thus your last working day)
- Gratitude / thank you note to your boss / colleagues / organization (optional but highly desirable)
- Offer to help with transition(again optional but highly desirable)
- Your contact details
Resignation Letter 2 Week Notice : How to write – step by step – guide
Start with telling your boss first
Before you submit resignation, you must think carefully over many points as covered in this article. But once you have decided to submit resignation, the first person you should tell is your reporting manager – the boss. The reason is pretty simple – you don’t want to throw in a surprise on an email ! It is important to remember that your boss will is going to be a future reference for your performance and so you must preserve your relationship and leave on a good note.
Once you have spoke to your Boss, draft your resignation covering following points.
Step – 1 : Start with an opening salutation like Dear Sir or Dear Madam or Dear First Name, depending on your relationship and work culture.
Step – 2 : The opening sentence (or paragraph) should clearly and directly state that you are leaving the job with effect from <date>. Like for example “This is to inform you that I am resigning from my current <designation> effective <date>.
Step – 3 : In the next paragraph, express your gratitude and thanks towards the company, boss and colleagues. Like for example “I am thankful for the opportunity given to serve <company> under your leadership. I appreciate the professional learning that I had under your supervision and feel honored to work with excellent colleagues like <name> and <name>.
Step 4 : In the last paragraph talk about your last working day (or notice period) and offer help during transition period. Also include your contact details for future reference.
Step 5: Close your resignation letter with closing salutation like – Sincerely or Best Regards
Resignation Letter 2 Week Notice : Sample Format

And in case you are looking for more ideas and discussion on Resignation Letter 2 week notice or resignation letter formats in general, you can refer to our articles below.