Resignation letter format is what everyone wants once having decided to quit from the job. Here you will find many sample resignation letter format to help you write own resignation letter. You will also find step by step guide to help you write your resignation letter along with illustrative examples.
What to include in Resignation Letter Format
Ideally a resignation letter format should be short, usually ranging from 2 paragraphs to about 4-5 paragraphs at max, but all normally fits into a page. When writing your resignation letter, while one should try to keep it as brief as possible, but at the same time, do not forget to include all the necessary details in your resignation letter format.
Your language in resignation letter format should be professional, direct and only include relevant information. Here are things that must be included in your resignation letter :
1. Basic employment information – like your designation and name of company/employer
2. The resignation date
3. Your notice period and last working day
4. Reason for resignation (desirable but optional)
5. Express thank and gratitude towards employer
6. Offer to help in transition before your last working day
Do’s and Don’ts for Resignation Letter Format
Whatever is reason for resignation, the manner in which you resign does makes a difference to your future. Here are few do’s and don’ts to help you resign gracefully on a positive note and move ahead in your career without burning the bridges with your previous employer.
Resigning from your job on good terms is very important to demonstrate you as a responsible professional throughout your long career. You are very likely to need your previous employer as a reference in future. And even if you don’t need, there could be a reference / background check done on you when you get into a position of higher responsibility in future. Besides you never know, if you ever have to go back to your past employer.
What your past employer and bosses say about you is very important to your next employer. So we must ensure that we leave on a good note.
Start your resignation process by personally meeting or discussing with your manager. If meeting personally is not possible, you must speak and have a phone (or a video) call. Your resignation email should follow your discussion and the news should never be broken on email. If your manager is on a vacation, speak to the person who is officiating or holding charge. Don’t just shoot an email.
In all your discussions, be brief and to the point. Do not get into a complaining mode or boasting about your next offer. A resignation is not a time when you should be airing your grievances. Instead in all your discussions focus on thanking your manager and employer about what you have learned from them. Reflect on the positives and leave on a good note.
The perfect resignation letter format is one where employee shows gratitude for the time manager has invested in him. Where one appreciates the opportunity to learn and grow. A good resignation letter format talks about how one has enjoyed the role and time spent in his tenure.
Once you have resigned, remain professional and focused on the transition work. One should not become the person who hangs around the tea – coffee machine complaining to everyone about the work culture and lack of employee facilities and poor pay.
How to Write a Perfect – Resignation Letter Format

Sample of Resignation Letter Format

Another Example of Resignation Letter Format
Here is another example of a resignation letter format for you to customize and use.
Dear <Mr / Ms>. <supervisor first name>,
This is to inform you that I am resigning from my position as <designation> at <company name> with effect from today i.e. <date>.
I have enjoyed my time working with you, however due to family reasons, I need to relocate away from <city> and therefore I can no longer continue to work with <company>. I would like to thank you for the opportunity to work at <company> and supporting me during the last <years>. My skills have improved a lot under your supervision and guidance
As per my appointment letter, my notice period is <days> and accordingly my final day at work would be <date> . I would be happy to assist in helping a smooth and orderly transition.
Again, thank you for this opportunity to be part of your team.
<Your Name>
You may like to refer to some of the below referred tips before writing your resignation letter.