Resigned letter


A “resigned letter” is what you want once you have decided to quit from your job. A sample resigned letter is the starting point for many to start their resignation process. In order to help you write resigned letter, here we have summarized step by step guide on what to write and how to write your resignation letter along with few sample Resigned Letters for your ready use.

What is a Resigned Letter ?

A resigned letter (or simply a resignation) is an official employment document that notifies your employer about your intention to leave your position. Both you and your employer need a resigned letter for records. Now a days people also write an email instead of a letter. Even if you have resigned verbally or over a SMS/WhatsApp message, you must write a formal resign letter for the sake of clarity and records. Try to send your resignation letter as soon as you decide to leave. Before sending your resignation, you should check if there are any notice period related requirements that you would need to serve and accordingly you should draft your resigned letter.

Benefits of a Resigned Letter

A formal written resignation offers many benefits to both employee and also employer.

Works as a record
Your Resignation is an official & legal document that both you and your employer can use to record the day you gave the resignation notice. In case of any dispute, this helps to settle the debate and clearly shows when you notified the employer about your intention to leave. That is why it is recommended to keep a copy of your resignation letter (or resignation email).

It provides clarity to employer
Once you mention your last working day, your employer knows how to prepare for transition and there is no ambiguity on how long will you stay on the job. It gives them time to shift responsibilities to others in your team or find a replacement to take over your job responsibilities.

Maintains professional relationship
An important benefit of writing a resignation letter and giving proper notice is that shows respect for your employer and your responsible behavior. Giving a formal notification of your resignation date and last working day demonstrates that you are responsible and care about job. Your professional conduct allows you to resign on a good note and help maintain the positive relationship with employer. You are likely to need this relationship in the future, specially when you would be asked to submit reference from ex-employer.

It is likely to be your contractual requirement

Please refer to your employment contract before resigning. It should tell you notice period you need to provide and more importantly if the notice of resignation has to be in writing. If your employment contract states that you need to give written resignation notice and you fail to do so, the employer could take you to court for breach of contract!

Resigned Letter : How to Write ?


Resigned Letter : Some Common Mistakes to Avoid

When writing your resigned letter, remember to avoid mistakes and be careful to include relevant details. Few important points you must take care of are :

  1. Be specific : Ensure that things like – date, position, notice period etc. in your resigned letter are specific and not left vague. Most importantly the notification of resignation itself has to be clear, direct and unambiguous. Instead of writing “I am thinking of resigning”, be clear and state “I am submitting my resignation”
  2. Be Polite : Whatever be the circumstances, you should remain professional and polite when resigning.
  3. Be Positive : Regardless of how much you may want, do not say anything negative about your supervisor or colleagues or employer, it will not help and instead will only make things worse.
  4. Be professional and not personal : Stay strictly focused on topic and be brief. Do not write things like “I am resigning because I have received a better offer”. These statements will not help you in parting ways amicably.

Remember that your past employer is likely to be used as a reference in future and if you are not parting ways amicably, it might jeopardize your future opportunities later in career.

Sample of Resigned Letter

Resigned Letter Sample Format

Thursday, 25 August 2022

Dear <Sir/Mam> <Mr./Ms.> < name of your supervisor / boss name>,

Would like to inform that I am submitting my resignation from my position as <designation> effective <date>. Please accept this letter as a formal notification of my resignation from <Company Name>.

I remain thankful for giving me such this opportunity to work with you and the learning and professional growth during my tenure here. My journey here might have been cut short with this resignation, but I thoroughly enjoyed working under your guidance.

Given that my notice period is <number of days> days, I would remain available till <date> which would be my last working day. During this, I assure to ensure a smooth transition as well as train my successor. I remain available on my personal email <email ID> and mobile <number>.

Best Regards,

<Your name>


Reigned Letter : Do’s and Don’ts

Check these 7 things before submitting Resignation Letter
Legal aspects of Resignation Letter